Our bot can do stuff 😎👌
Almost every message this bot sends has an accompanying emoji to spice things up 😳😳
We try to keep embeds small to make mobile users have the best experience possible.
Warn and log people who break the rules using Meon's anti-profanity system!
Commands that can keep you entertained for as long as you wish!
Meon is not useless, don't hurt his feelings!! 😡😡
Hypixel's a cool Minecraft server, and it has an API so why not?
There are a total of 8 categories! I can't list them all here!
Meon is funny, get over it. DM Meon to receive genuine and definitely not randomly chosen responses!
Meon's developers are active and willing to continue adding new features for you guys!
(This conversation is definitely not fake.)